and this...
It's SUPER THICK more than 1 inch! And it's April! September Issue what?
With more than 512 pages, this edition is a must have copy of Elle! It contains adverts MUCH MORE THAN EVER (yap, it happens to 'a particular' issue too. That's how they made it, rite, fellas? Put some-means much here-advertising, and a lil more fashion spreads, voila! The biggest magazine is ready ro rumble!) Well, it weights a ton-here in Indonesia, we print a magazine on a very gggggoooodddd papers, thick, not easy tangled and folded, and so on-but I don't mind carrying this magz EVERYWHERE! And it takes more than 15 minutes (as it used to be) to take a glimpse all over the pages of a single magazine. Besides, I need to get rid of my fat and build some muscles, ck ck ck...
And, the bonus is good-looking*...
Always love shiny stuff..
Wanna get it online? Sorry you can't. Yeah, that's the weakness of being in fourth-world country. Buying something sometimes is not just a click nor a swap T_T
*: doesn't always mean good quality, though? Come on, it's just a bonus. I won't refuse a good one, but, sometimes, I have to wake up.
SigoreFandi, burning 1000 cals today!