30 July 2011

I'm so glad that I meet non-Brazilian and non-east European model. Here is Adam Santiago, from Philippine. I think he's mixed somewhere too, just like any other good-looking Asians...

And of course, he looks really good in suit.

Adam on runway..

Off runway..

Adam Santiago by Vickaboo

I don't know him so well, since he's in Jakarta just for few months. But I posted his portfolio to encourage you guys, my Asian reader, that it's not necessary to be Brazilian or European. The most important thing is, keep trying, keep working out, and keep partying! Sometimes you don't need to watch your food. Seriously. Models that I know eat everything in front of their eyes. And they go partying every night. And they work in the morning. And they work out at the afternoon. Never sleep, I guess. So, for those who want to model, be ready. I wonder how they do all of them and still look good on camera, yet still breathe.

Signorefandi, me, modeling? Are you kidding us?