From Jacket to suit, to trousers, and BACKPACK. ALL in ALLIGATORS. Oh... Looking forward to adding it to my MOST WANTED LIST in 2012! You know, before apocalypse happens, I gotta give myself a little amusement, right? Especially after cobra-collared suit I wore at Bocelli's concert, I need something more challenging.

And yet, I'm not into the shoes. I'm not really into thick soles, if you want to know. I prefer pointed-toe ones. And in this collection, I don't see any. I think I don't need to panegyrize every piece of a season, right? I need to be subjective in putting criterion of a collection, too.
Well, I don't know if my checkbook allows me to have the black backpack. I hope the price tag is not exceeding The Row Backpack..
Signorefandi, PETA is only against fur, right?