Sort of. I know I just gave you one-word answer straight away (or two?), in opposite with many usual articles which give you an answer of their tittles in the very last part of it, or sometimes they even don't, and instaed, give you more questions to answer. But back to topic, which has come up in some online news and blogs, especially after an article on New York Times titled The Circus of Fashion wide spreading, this is why blogging is not a big yes of journalism, and not a clear no either.
Like many other things in life, blogging has many branches. And because I write for fashion blog (I'm trying), not like political bloggers who become the other face of Wikileaks by revealing who's stranded in what scandal or home and health bloggers who intelligently cover some innovative how-to tips arranging your interior or calming crying baby, in fashion blogsphere some people have become street styler hooker, or worse, an obnoxious self-centered egomaniac, putting all clothes and accessories (which some of them are falsely mentioned as gifted) then posted online then followed by devotee telling them how gorgeous they look no matter how shitty in they truly, and some of them are writing great stuff with graduate-level of vocabularies and capturing moments like no one else did before. Photoblogger like TheSartorialist or Tommy Ton are incredible, because they not only carry thousand dollar lensed cameras, but because they also have the ability to find a way to capture a particular look. Scott once shared a line that keeps resonating in my mind, "The photography class trains my brain, but photo magazine teaches my heart", which shows that he not only drop off to fashion scene (sometimes in desert too, meeting remarkable farmers and nomads), he also has the sense of originality. Maybe you will find same person taken picture by him and other Bill Cunningham wanna bees, and you'll see the difference.
Amazing hoto by The Sartorialist. You can find the original here.
There's no sin to strike a pose in designer dresses, especially if you can afford it (or lucky like Sea of Shoes, whom her parents invest some grands to flood her a real sea of shoes) and you have the model look. But here's the thing. Many stuff those top bloggers are gifted. I got few times aback, and I'm sorry that I didn't write about them since I don't like it. But it is just wrong to write that you love it but deep inside you do it just because you're afraid of not getting one anymore. Journalism is as far as possible kept away from gifts, or Suzy Menkes refers it as bribery. And that's why real journalist are not allowed (strictly forbidden) to receive a thing from what they about to write. They sometimes even have to pay the bills. It's simply because they have to maintain their independence and integrity, values that journalists have to hold always. And the price aint rare so expensive to pay. Remember what Robin Givan had to pay after she wrote that Karl Lagerfeld is overrated? A regular like her had to loose front-row seats of Chanel shows, which most of bloggers would kill for. The pure passion and innocence of A-list bloggers time by time are gone because they're afraid if they don't write good about the brands supporting them, they'd loose some sponsorship and freebies. It's not so far different with magazines, where they have to be loyal to brands buying ad pages in one hand, but in the other hand they have standard to hold onto. Bloggers wear it, in seconds go online, and being read by hundreds of thousands of devote readers (if not million times), sounds way simpler advertising and publicity. So we can't get blamed too.
Technology is indeed reshaping the world of journalism. Top media wins because they have earlier, broader, and bolder access to a news. Reportage becomes stale after a while, so with cellphones and laptop (praise Lord wifi), bloggers have a certain power to do faster covering, which can be done on the spot in the exact tick of clock. It is a brand new generations which Suzy Menkes not nurtured by. Like Karl once said, fashion is about living the present and moving forward, so this time is our savvy society taking granted from. And maybe next generation will find their way to capsulized their passion in fashion many other things.
So, why when many bloggers are praising real journalists and editors while most of them hate bloggers? Even though a blogger has thousands of readers, still, undoubtedly, that being on page of fashion magazine is such an achievement. Some respected editor said that we bloggers just dress up and sit front row, some other call us ass kisser and not more than a douche. Is it because we have shorter time to cover up an event or show and faster track to front row and access? Or is it because we bloggers are destructing the unwritten laws of journalism?
Not all of bloggers get front row. I once had to do some crazy approach merely to get invited, which turned out I wasn't amused by the collection and didn't write about it, since I was afraid if I wrote bad, they wouldn't invite me again for the next shows. People hate to hear something bad, but people sometimes have to know which one is objectivity and which one is ass kissing words. I was anxious, but then it's clear that since I want to become a real journalist, I will write whatever I think. I explain why I don't really like, and why I simply adore it. I mean, who would dare saying that some Prada collection reminds me of my kindergarten uniform, with cars and motorbikes with flaming exhaust tube printed on it?
It is undeniably true that some bloggers know fashion as much as they know about quantum physics. Some are growing. But isn't it the purpose of magazines and media, to teach us how to express and dress? That's why there's best and worst dressed list, so that we can learn to make or avoid those points. We are enriched by thoughts about mis-match colours and patterns, we read about the history of great discovery like denim or new look silhouette or little black dress. We see, so that we think and finally decide which one we like. Compared to those prolific writers and editors, of course we loose steps and experience. Hatchers don't expect their breeds to fly a second after born. That's why there's bad and terrible bloggers. But time will nurture us to make a right choices and decision.
And about hanging around fashion tent during fashion week? Entertainment channels and tabloids are (un)mistakebly teach us to pursue something blurred and arguable. Most of people like to be famous and disgustingly rich, most of them hate to be photographed even though they are six feet tall and size four. This is world where many diversities mixed up and blend.
It comes to my mind that some too-much-about-me posts of bloggers are irritating. All I'm-obsessed comment on some stuff are merely driven by the intention to get it free (or discounted if you're not lucky enough). When people asked me to post more about the American map sunglasses by Linda Farrow and Jeremy Scott, little did they know that I bought it not because I want to put it online so that Linda will give me extra discount for the next purchase. I bought it, because I was really impressed by such creativity to put an iconic geographical form onto sunglasses. Of course there's always a clown whenever we are, and fashion is no exception. When I see some bloggers wearing something eye-hurting, I feel that the fashion editors' job to educate the world how to dress is not done, and maybe never. They, who did long research before doing photo shooting for fashion spread, stays on top of the game while bloggers rely on as-is property.
What's so special about her? I mean, all I can say is double you tee eff.
So, Suzy and friends, don't worry. All bloggers are blogging because of people like you, people who never stop inspiring us with your remarkable work and writings, and some of us still learn how to do it right. One thing that drives us together is our passion of fashion. And if fashion becomes a circus field, maybe it is the way it should be.
Signorefandi, sincerely yours...