Okay. I hardly search a particular topic by #hashtag, but when I do, I found something really really hilarious. Just like below.
Got curious about #скачать trending. Turns out it means 'to download'.
— Suzie Thomas (@SuzieElizabethT) November 23, 2013
It's so funny that, sometimes such an unimportant and not specific topic can be a Twitter trending topic. And I don't know why I'm talking about it at all.
Kids-with-smarphones these days might not know, that in my early phase of life in the 90s, hashtag was called hash key, and the only place I found it was on a telephone (the real big telephone, whose the handle was so big as size-9 shoe, which when it's ringing, somebody will shout "I'll get it!!"). As Wikipedia says, it is an overlay of two horizontal strokes "=" across two forward-slash-like strokes "//", which was initially created as the replacement of "number", e.g. #3 means "number three".
It turned out that hashtag has a deeper function now. It's everywhere. I think it was Twitter that introduced the novel function, and then, it's not a social media if it doesn't have hashtag function.
So what is it about hashtag? Isn't it enough for people to have Google to make their search easier? We, as a society with devotion to ever-evolving instant life, always try to make everything even simpler, even faster. But is it effective? Do you search by #hashtag to get what you want, or is it simply out of curiosity and nosiness so to say, that you tap that coloured-differently word? Isn't it enough that online world already ruins our ability in writing by limiting it by 140 characters (which cause many many annoying unprecedented abbreviations, therefore affects our way of writing by pen), without even including an odd symbol in the middle of a sentence, which doesn't even have its original function? Or is it back to our basic need to be noticed, to be found, the crave for attention, and therefore it's due to the passive side of it that attracts more people to use it?
Signorfandi, #I #don't #know #this #crazy #world #anymore
ps. I don't know either if hashtag works with apostrophes combined
pss. "hashtag" still gets red correction-needed mark below it, which makes it 'not (yet) an English word