24 September 2013


This is my first post of Paris Fashion Week. I know it's not the first show on the calender (Lucien Pellat Finet's invitation, where y'at?), but I couldn't complain. I blame Yahoo! Weather for the lack of precision about Paris weather, so that I brought: a) 2 ginormous fur coat b)2 medium fur coat c) 10 jackets and coats d) countless of sweater and cardigans e) less socks that I might need for the whole week, which then, turned out to be useless and harmful because: a) sun is coming ALL DAY in Paris b) read point a.

Sweat sweat sweat.

Anyvhaay, my absence to Lucien's show was beneficial since I needed to rearrange my clothing recipe. So, skipping the first show gave me few more time, and I went to Moon Hyung Hee in Les Beaux Arts de Paris.

My fave look! The jacket (coat?) is incredible!

Structured numbers with unfinished look show how something simple can be really complicated.

It looks like a series of wraping papers of a luxe bags, craeted on purpose to guard the main substance. It's fragile, it's essential, and with intention of hiding what it carries, it shows how something precious can be protected by something that is not less worthy. Jackets with irregular and random cutting, fabrics that look like drapped and dragged some of the strings are hanging, or a metallic blue coat with folded and wringkled arms looking like an armour, making the collection which resembles of something 'work-in-progress' look so chic but not girly (salut sneakers!). An olive green sheer top with a matching shorts wrapped with the same fabric in white, layered and folded quite so randomly, requires a bold knowledge in cutting and execution. I could see the beauty of the models more clearly in those clothes.

Over all, what fashion celebrates is the beauty of the wearer, the women. And Moon Hyung Hee is very well doing that.

Signorfandi, precious beauty!