After a bajillion of birthday greetings (perezzz), I really have to say thank you for making my first day of my adultery (ouch!) wonderful. Greetings on Facebook (wall and inbox), phone call (only one person, Mr. Joyrider. I turned it off for the whole day), sms, and CARDS! By mail! OMG it's sooo old-fashioned, but I love it! ^_^
I want to reply one-by-one, but I'm out of town now, where fast uninterrupted internet connection is as often as you see Obama picking nose or Victoria Beckham falling from hi-heels or smiling...
To all of my friends all over the world. Jakarta, Jogjakarta, Solo, Medan, Sydney, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, BSB, Osaka, Beijing, Den Haag, Milan, Istanbul, Singapore,Kazan, Dubai, aṭ-Ṭā'if, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Gloslar, Hamburg, Rio,Washington DC, NYC. I can say being in age of 20 was not easy. Aint a teenager, not yet an adult :)
Special thanks to:
-Mr. Joyrider for.... This is a secret I never tell public ;)
-@Memey: Even though you're too bit earlier as it should be, well, I grant you as the winner of birthday greeter ^_^
(she inboxed me on FB)
-@Linda Jessica: Thanks. You're the first on Wall! Mwah mwah mwah..
-@Marco: Grazie. sei primo ei il primo attraverso il mio cellulare :)
-M. Louboutin for inspiration and the joy of the red sole ^_^
-Mr. Beckham, for everything :)
-Sg. Bocelli for making my 2010 was sooo amazing. Finally I met you in person!
-Fr. Untari und Deera, meine Dozenten der Lebens Universität
-Chandra Ramos. We have the same birth date!!! OMG I miss you >.<
-Matur nuwun. (I really have no idea what to say in Javanese)
-Terima kasih atas doa teman-teman. Alhamdulillah tahun saya kali ini diawali dengan gerhana bulan. Semoga tahun ini membawa banyak berkah dan keberuntungan bagi saya. Terimakasih telah berbaik hati mau berbagi dengan saya(suka-duka, cerita, pengalaman, pelajaran, buku-buku, film, musik, dan tak lupa baju, dan makanan, hehehe)
-Vielen Dank für eure Gebete. Oje dieses Jahr begann ich mit der Mondfinsternis (sie warseeeehhrrr shcooeeenn). Hoffentlich in diesem Jahr bringt viel Segen und Glück für mich. Vielen Dank für das Gebet, die Wünsche, die Gabe. Meine Tage sind wunderbar, weil von euch:) Danke für das Teilen mit mir(die Freuden und Leiden, Geschichten, Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen, Bücher, Filme, Musik, und vergiss nicht, die Kleidung und Nahrung, hehehe)
-Grazieper le vostre preghiere. Quest'anno ho iniziato con l'eclissi lunare.Speriamo che questo anno porta molte benedizioni e buona fortuna perme. Grazie per la preghiera, i desideri, il dono. I miei giorni sono meravigliosi :) Grazie per aver condiviso con me (le gioie ei dolori,storie, esperienze, lezioni, libri, film, musica, e non dimenticare i vestiti e cibo, hehehe)
-Благодарю вас за ваши молитвы.Спасибо, что поделились со мной (радостями и печалями, рассказы, опыт,уроки, книги, фильмы, музыку, и не забывайте, одежду и продуктыпитания, хехехе;)
-Je vous remercie pour vos prieres.Merci de partager avec moi (les joies et les tristesses, les histoires,les experiences, les leçons, livres, films, musique, danse, et ne pasoublier les vetements, chaussures, au de tiolette, et de la nourriture,hehehe)
Voyons la vie à la mode fabuleux.
أشكركم على صلواتكم
-Obrigadopor compartilhar comigo (as alegrias e tristezas, liçoes, (yoga!), histórias, experiencias, livros, musica, filmes, e nao se esqueça dasroupas e cervejas)
-Feichang ganxie ni. Ganxie nin yu wo(de beihuanlíhe, jingyan, gushi, shuji, yinyue, dianying, buyao wang leyifu, shubao!) Fenxiang ni qunian shi zhen bang ^_^ (dunno how to writemandarin, dui pu chi >.<;)
-Teşekkürler, Sümeyra ;) Bu yıl İstanbul'da görmek umuduyla ...
-Thank you for your prayers. This is what I wait every time my birthday coming. No, not the gift, but the prayers. Are they good, are they unique, are they inspiring?
Last year was full of laugh and tears, yet drama ;) Many mistake I did, many people I met, many things I've learnt. Thank God this year I started with the lunar eclipse (sooo hitz!). Hopefully this year brings many blessings and fabulous fortune for me. Thanks for the prayer, the wishes. My days are wonderful because of you :) Thank you for sharing with me (the joys and sorrows,stories, experiences, lessons, books, movies, music, parties, taxi,doughnut, cigarettes, and do not forget the shoes, and food, hehehe)
OK, now, give me the gifts..
I got a funny story the other nite. I went to some str-8 club on Saturday nite. My friends passed the entrance one by one. Since we got membership card, we don't need to pay the first drink charge. But when my turn came, they asked my ID! Sh*t! I was 21-less-2-weeks year-old that time, then we got trouble coz of that. The club rule is, under 21, no entry! After yammala-shammala-prikitti-wikkiti, I got in. Fyuuhh.... Now I don't need to lobby them ^_^
Signorefandi, big big big kisses and hugs to all of my friends and readers...
18 June 2011