So here I come. Again. Another blessed joyful fabulous year. I've been so grateful about my past year, that no one can imagine how happy I feel about. Many things happened; being invited for the first time to a couture show, a lot of friends come and go, and yet, far and foremost, leaving my family, friends, and lucrative job to pursue my dream and love. But I always remind myself, that when birthday comes, so does the time to start. Another birthday is a feather of a broad wing of time, as my mother used to say. And you gotta spread it wide and strong to fly.
This year also has been a wonderful time, finally gathered with one of the most important people in my life. And since, as I said, I am away from family and friends, I decided to spend the night with him. And where is the perfect place to celebrate the intimacy better than in one of the most iconic buildings in Frankfurt, The Opera House Alte Oper? Let me tell you how it was. It felt like we're the owner of the world, and the rest just rents it.
Signorefandi, him and me, so it be. Happy birthday to me...